Upon entering the grocery store, you are bombarded with all the enticing advertisements. The advertisements added to your impulse buying habits, sometimes creates an excessive food budget. In order to cut back on impulse purchases and ultimately save money on groceries, always have a list of items needed before going grocery shopping. Secondly buy your food and plan your meals a week ahead. For example, you can buy a package of frozen chicken breast or other choice and vegetables. Precook all the food and place in separated containers for Monday through Saturday meals. The benefits is twofold, you can save time and money by not commuting to the grocery store each day. Secondly, the stored containers will aid in portion and calorie intake.
The poor is not whom you may think. America recognizes the guy on the street corner asking for money ,but what about that individual or family, whom are struggling to keep food on the table but yet makes every effort to do what is right.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
America does not see them
The working poor can better be described as the lower middle class in our society. The middle class has not been clearly defined in our society, but most agree the middle class range from $25,000 to $100,000 a year. The lower end of this range is often the segment that consists of the working poor. Our society must do more to advocate the working poor . The working poor is not a segment that places strains on the nation's public assistance, but fullfills the daily obligations of a hard working American.
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